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Why Your Dog Needs A Waterproof Dog Collar (1)

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There are plenty of ways that your pet pup can get wet. Even after you wash and dry your dog, a soaked collar can still make for quite an unpleasant smell and collect all sorts of nasty bacteria.

Unlike regular versions of collars, BioThane’s waterproof collars for dogs don’t have a problem with getting wet. No water absorption means no dirty, stinky water that your dog will carry around his or her neck all day, and there are plenty of ways for your dog to get wet.

Image of a wet dog that could use BioThane waterproof dog collars.

Waterproof Collars for River Dogs

Certain dog breeds love getting wet, such as Golden Retrievers, Newfoundlands, and, unsurprisingly, Portuguese Water Dogs. Sometimes that can lead a dog to show off its doggy paddle in the local watering hole.

From a stroll down a nearby river to some quality time at the beach, your dog has quite a few choices to go for a swim. While your dog’s fur may soak in some of water, waterproof collars will resist any moisture and any of the bacteria that may come along with it.

Waterproof Dog Collars that Weather the Elements

Even if your dog isn’t a big swimmer, nature sure seems to find a way. Rain brings the water to your dog, whether you’re letting your dog out to go when nature calls or if it’s a surprise storm when you’re out on a walk.

The rain isn’t the only type of weather that can lead to a soaked collar. A winter wonderland can soak a collar as well after a dog’s had some time to play in the snow. You can’t stop the weather, but waterproof dog collars can help keep it at bay.

A Rub Against the Stinky Side of Life
You may not always like it, but dogs are going to rub up against things. Sometimes it’s a couch, sometimes it’s a soggy patch of grass. Ultimately, your dog’s desire to rub up against some rather questionable surfaces can get a whole bunch of gunk on them. While waterproof collars can’t quite protect the rest of your pooch, they won’t absorb any of the foul fluids that could make regular collars stink even after a few washes.

Waterproof Collars for Every Dog

You can’t always stop your dog from getting wet, but waterproof dog collars can help you keep it from becoming a problem. All BioThane pet collars are waterproof, so you know your dog will be covered. Check out our waterproof dog collars to find the right option for your pooch. Looking to keep dry during a hunting trip? Browse our waterproof hunting dog collars in case the rain or snow takes you by surprise.

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